Prins Karelstraat 28
8670 Oostduinkerke
Price: € 450,- excl. vat
Working times
Friday from 10:00-18:00 hours, lunch break from 13:00 to 14:30 hours
Saturday from 9:00-18:00 hours, lunch break from 13:00 to 14:30 hours
Sunday from 9:00-16:00 hours, lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00 hours
For information, please contact:
Ketu, +31 61 75 02 180, of info@lichaamswerkbergen.nl
Katrien, +32 493 465 882 of katrientyvaert@gmail.com
About the Masterclass
3-Day Masterclass Myofascial Energetic Release (MER) in Belgium.
Myofascial Energetic Release (MER) is hands-on deep bodywork that works on muscles (myo) and connective tissue (fascia). The treatment can also include breathwork, joint release, assisted stretches and emotional work. The goal of a MER session is to relieve pain, restore physical functions and achieve balance between body and mind.
Every person is a whole, a unity in which everything is connected and in which fascia plays a crucial role. Fascia is a multifaceted organ that communicates, supports, connects, separates, protects, strengthens, coordinates and provides information about how you feel inside. If you understand how fascia functions in the bigger picture and how you can work with it in deep bodywork, you can promote healing and transformation on a deep level in your clients.
This masterclass is open to body workers and therapists who want to expand their skills and discover the possibilities that MER offers. By applying this knowledge and skills, you can work more effectively with your clients and support them on their path to healing and well-being. Some experience with hands-on bodywork is required for participation.
During this masterclass we will teach:
- The body’s natural ability to self-regulate and heal
- The autonomic nervous system and how you can work with it with simple interventions
- How to do a body reading and how to apply this information into a session
- All elements of deep touch such as depth, speed and duration of your stroke
- The importance of your own posture and breathing
- How you support the process with verbal cues, breathing and client participation
- What greater body awareness can mean for you and how you can help your clients to get more into their bodies
Expect a practical approach. By practicing with different partners and exchanging feedback, you will learn on your own body what this work can bring about for yourself and for your clients.