There is nothing more essential to our health and wellbeing than breathing. You take air in and you let it out, about 25 000 times a day. Yet, many of us have lost the ability to breathe properly, with consequences for our physical and emotional health.
Opening to Breath takes the student through the motions of breath in the rib cage, spine, shoulder, and neck. Attention is given to the structures involved in the process of breathing as well as the ones restricting proper breathing.
MER 5 teaches how to enhance the motions for inhaling and exhaling to achieve an effortless and full breath. Supported by deep, slow and sensitive touch, this combination helps healing to happen on a subconscious and conscious level.
Each technique is clearly explained and demonstrated, with variations included to cater to the clients’ needs. These techniques are also put together into a model session for clear application ensuring maximum results.
Working consciously with breath will accelerate the overall benefits of every MER session. Through being aware of your own breathing, you learn how to help your client breathe well. This will allow you to work deeper and get better results for your client.