In this training you will learn how to help people with back, neck and pelvis issues. With deep bodywork you will learn how to free the back, neck and pelvis to heal chronic pain and open up the breath of your client.
You will learn the structural and functional anatomy of the back, neck and pelvis and in turn develop the intuition and skills necessary to work with the underlying causes of pain in these areas.
A combination of daily meditations, session demonstrations, theory and session exchanges with fellow students will give you the skill and confidence needed to make this work your own. Supported by consistent support from the staff will you will learn how to heal using deep bodywork.
This module introduces you to the major hinges of the spine: lumbar/sacral, diaphragm, heart, thoracic inlet and atlas/occiput. The focus will be giving deep bodywork on the back and neck and help the pelvis release to restore balance. Assisted stretches and joint mobilization will be introduced to give you tools to help integration.
You will learn the art and science of evaluating posture and seeing holding patterns in the body and relate them to your client’s emotional state of being. By involving the client in this process you help him take responsibility for his own healing process.
By the end of this module you will have learned a comprehensive series of strokes to help people who experience neck, back, shoulder and pelvis pain. Upon completion of MER 1 you will be able to give a full back, neck, shoulder, breath and pelvic MER session.